Privacy Policy

Linen Life Ideas (“”) owns and operates this Website. This document governs your relationship with (“Website”). Access to and use of this Website and the products and services available through this Website (collectively, the “Services”.)

Protecting your privacy is an important part of our job. Therefore we realize the special importance of protecting your personal data; therefore, we only collect and process the data that is necessary for our activities. We process personal data in a lawful, transparent, and fair manner, for predefined purposes and only to the extent that is necessary for the achievement of those purposes. When processing personal data, we seek to make sure it is accurate, safe, confidential, properly stored, and protected.

When processing your personal data, we comply with the requirements of the General Personal Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) as well as other requirements for the processing of personal data set forth in other legal acts.

The Privacy Policy applies to anyone who visits the Website, regardless of whether you have registered on the Website or not, and it also applies to the actions that you may undertake on the Website.

Take your time to review this Policy because it describes which of your Data we collect and for what purposes we process them when you are using the services on our Website. It also provides important information about your Data Protection, in particular about the rights that you may exercise according to the law. We may change this Policy in the future, so we encourage you to review this Policy periodically. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us in one of the ways indicated below.


When you log in to the Website, we collect and process your identification data, such as the IP address of your device, information about the browser used by your device, and other browsing information, including data on when and from where the Website was visited, or specific pages you have visited within Website;

We will not use the personal data listed in this section, especially your IP address, without your explicit permission unless such use is necessary a) to provide our services and/or b) for security purposes, in particular for the prevention of cyber-attacks, such as data collection or service interference attacks, and prevention of non-authorized programs.

If you add items to the shopping cart but have not yet paid for them, we collect and process your key personal data, such as name, surname, phone number, email, shipping address (information about the person or company to whom the items should be delivered, street name, house number, city, country).

If you purchase the selected items, we collect and process your key personal data, such as name, surname, phone number, email, shipping address (information about the person or company to whom the items should be delivered, street name, house number, city, country), item information, price, transaction time, payment method.

Important: If you provide us with details of other people related to you (especially in cases where you indicate that the items must be delivered to another person), you should obtain the consent of these individuals and get them familiarised with this Policy


We process your data for these purposes:

So that you could easily purchase and pay for items, and we could provide you services, identify you, and contact you as well as duly fulfill the assumed contractual obligations, we process your name, surname, email, phone number, and other contact information, and we use the data on transactions concluded with us and the information we receive from you when you are using our services.

In order to ensure the provision of services remotely, we store the IP address and other data identifying you, communications content and time, and other technical data.

In order to communicate with you, for example, to answer your questions and requests for the provision of services, also to receive your feedback, to send important notices (regarding the General Terms and Conditions of Service Provision, the change of this Policy or other documents) or to send technical notices, updates, warnings about security, support and administrative messages, we process your contact information and the content of the messages you receive and send.

In order to improve the quality of our products, services, and marketing we automatically analyze your personal data, including information about your ordered items, and your purchase history, i.e. what items you purchased. We collect and analyze your data for internal purposes, for example, to monitor and analyze trends in our products and services, in order to understand which parts of our products and/or offers are most interesting to our customers. It helps us understand what you need, which makes our activities more efficient and beneficial and helps us to better manage, improve and develop our products, services, and communication.

In order to send general direct marketing offers, we collect and use your email and phone number (in certain countries).

In order to duly protect Linen Life Ideas and the legitimate interests of any third parties, we will process the data in order to protect ourselves against unauthorized acts, especially fraud, in order to carry out prevention against cyber-attacks and other threats to the integrity of our Website, as well as to defend our interests for the purpose of resolving disputes, in case of improper performance of the Rules and to defend and enforce any other rights.


Necessary cookies

Cookies are small text files that are hosted on your computer or other devices connected to the Internet (such as tablets, and smartphones) in cases where your browser settings accept cookies. Our cookies are essential for the functionality and operation of our Website (for example, the information about the items put in the shopping cart), and we use cookies only for this purpose. Most cookies from your device are deleted after the end of your browser session (session cookies).

Other cookies and consent for their use

When you log in to the Site, we ask you to agree to add additional cookies to your device. By continuing to use the Website after we show the cookie notification, you agree that we will use the cookies for the above purposes (“Consent to Cookie Use”). These cookies help us:

  • identify how many visitors visit the Website and how they behave on it. This helps us improve our Platform functionality, for example, ensuring that users can find what they are looking for (analytical/operational cookies);
  • identify when you are revisiting our Platform. It helps us personalize our content, greets you with your name, and notes your options (functional cookies);
  • record your visits on our platform, the pages you visit, the links you click, and the products you add to the cart. We use this information to better adapt our Platform and the ads are shown to you to your needs, and direct marketing (targeted cookies).

Use of third-party cookies

When you use the Website services, cookies or network data collectors of other providers may be used with respect to you. This can be done to measure a group, to activate contextual advertising or targeted campaigns. After you give your consent to use cookies, we will also evaluate user profiles with a pseudonym. Identification of a person will not be possible. We do not control third-party tracking technology and its use. You can stop storing and tracking these third-party cookies by changing your browser settings.


Your personal data will not be sold, disclosed, or otherwise unlawfully transferred to third parties, or used for purposes other than the purposes for which the data has been collected. We will not transfer your personal data in any other way, except in accordance with the ways stated in this Privacy Policy. However, we reserve the right to provide information about you if we are required to do so in accordance with the law, or if we are required to do so by law enforcement agencies or prosecuting authorities.

We may transfer your personal data to companies that will help us carry out our business activities, as well as for help with direct marketing. In the case of such partners, we require that your data be processed only in accordance with our instructions and in compliance with the personal data protection laws. We may disclose the following types of data about you to the following third parties: third-party service providers (e.g. couriers, technical service providers in the performance of establishing contracts with these service providers, including the delivery of services for newsletters or other marketing activities);

third-party service providers whose services we normally use for data storage, telecommunications, and website hosting purposes.

The ability of the abovementioned service providers to use your data will remain limited – they cannot use this data other than for the purposes of providing us with the stated services.


We will store your personal data for no longer than is required for processing purposes, or according to the legislation if it provides for a longer storage period.

We will store the data collected for five (5) years after you purchase any goods or services via the Website.

We will store the data collected for five (5) years after your last participation in our contest, quiz, or game.

We will store the data collected for no longer than the term specified in the cookie table in this Privacy Policy. We will store the data collected until you delete your account, or unsubscribe from the Website, in the manner. We will strive not to store out-of-date and non-relevant personal data, so after updating it (e.g. adjusting or changing information in the account, etc.), only the relevant information is stored. However, historical information is stored if necessary, in accordance with the legal acts or for the performance of our activities.


The data that we collect from you will be used in the EU, but may also be transferred or stored outside the EU. It can also be processed by our staff or the staff of our suppliers outside the EU. When transferring your data outside the EU, we will take all necessary steps to ensure that your data is processed securely and in compliance with this Privacy Policy.

Unfortunately, online information transfers are not completely secure. Although we will do our best to protect your personal data, we cannot guarantee data security when you transfer your data to the Website – therefore, you assume the risks associated with the data transfer to the Website. Once we receive your data, we will apply strict procedures and security measures to protect your data against unauthorized access.

If there are unlikely circumstances and we find out about a breach of your personal data security that may seriously jeopardize your rights or freedoms, we will immediately inform you as soon as it is discovered and will determine which information has been accessed.


In processing your personal data, we guarantee your rights under the GDPR and the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania. As a personal data subject, you have the following rights:

to know (to be informed) about the processing of your personal data;

to become acquainted with the personal data that we are processing;

to request the correction or an addition to any incorrect, inaccurate, or incomplete personal data; to request the destruction of your personal data when it is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected;

to request the destruction of your personal data if it is being processed illegally, or when you withdraw your consent to the processing of the personal data or do not give such consent when it is necessary;

to disagree with the processing of your personal data or to withdraw the consent that was previously given;

to request a suspension (except for the storage) of your personal data processing operations, in the event of disputes or the need to verify the legality of the processing activities or the accuracy of the data, as well as in cases where we no longer need your personal data but you do not want us to destroy it;

to request, if it is technically possible, the provision of your personal data in an easily readable format for your consent or for the purpose of performing a contract, or to request the transferring of your personal data to another data controller.

We will endeavor to guarantee the exercising of your rights as a personal data subject and to create all the necessary conditions for the effective exercising of these rights, but we reserve the right not to comply with your requirements when it is necessary to ensure:

the fulfillment of the legal obligations imposed on us;

the security or defense of the state;

public order, as well as the prevention, investigation, detection, or prosecution of criminal offenses; the important economic or financial interests of the state;

the prevention, investigation, and detection of breaches of professional ethics;

the protection of your rights and freedoms, or those of other persons.

You can provide us with the requirements related to the implementation of your rights in person, by post, or by electronic means. Upon the receipt of your request, we may ask you to provide proof of identity, as well as any additional information related to the request that is necessary for us. Upon the receipt of your request, we will respond to you within 30 calendar days from the receipt of your request and from the date of the submission of all documents necessary for the submission of the response. If we consider it necessary, we will stop processing your data, except for its storage, until your request is resolved. If you have legally withdrawn your consent, we will terminate the processing activities involving your personal data immediately, but not later than within 30 calendar days, except in the cases specified in this Privacy Policy, and in the cases provided for by law, i.e. when we are obliged to continue to process your data due to the legislation in force, due to our legal obligations, due to court decisions or due to binding instructions from the authorities. When refusing to comply with your request, we will clearly indicate the grounds for such a refusal. If you disagree with our actions or our response to your request, you can complain to the competent public authority about our actions and decisions.


We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time in order to reflect, for example, changes to our practices or for other operational, legal, or regulatory reasons.


If you have any questions regarding the processing of your data or questions regarding your rights, please get in touch with us, by email here, or by postal mail – Linen Life Ideas, Jotvingių g. 7-55, 48136 Kaunas, Lithuania.